Cahors AOC Gouleyant


可樂瑪爾貝紅 2009
GOULEYANT 2009, Cahors AOC
CAHORS 法國卡奧爾, France - Red wine;
Grape variety:Malbec 100%;

75 cl - 13% vol.

飲用溫度:15-16 ℃
Cahors AOC Gouleyant 2009

Cahors AOC Gouleyant 2009

The Gouleyant from Georges Vigoroux is produced primarily from Cahor’s Malbec grapes. This results in a rich red with prominent flavors of raspberry, blackcurrant, cherries and toast. Rich, luscious and well balanced, Gouleyant pairs with duck, goose, lamb, red meats and cheese.

Cahors AOC Gouleyant 2009

«Gouleyant» 法語 ,易入口的意思。顏色深櫻桃紅。典型的馬爾貝酒 , 果香濃鬱 , 帶有成熟的紅色和黑色水果品種(櫻桃,黑莓,覆盆子等...) 的果味。 果味和單寧均衡柔和,回味優雅。適宜在15℃時飲用。特別推薦Reblochon或聖Nectaire軟乳酪搭配。也可作為開胃酒。