Vina Alarba Rosado Seleccion


Viña Alarba Rosado Selección 2008, Spain
河口伯 精選桃紅葡萄酒2008 西班牙
Wine Region:Spain ;
Grape variety:100% Garnacha from our own vineyards;
0.75L , 13.5 % vol.

Viña Alarba Rosado 2004, 
R.Parker: 89pt.
Vina Alarba Rosado Seleccion 2008, Spain

Vina Alarba Rosado Seleccion 2008, Spain

這款酒由紅歌海娜(Garnacha Tinta)葡萄品種釀製,具有紅歌海娜葡 萄酒的特徵;令人喜愛的生動的草莓顏色,花香撲鼻, 莓子氣息果香四 溢,酒體豐滿乾質、口感清新, 酸度均衡, 韻味留長。是一支典雅純正 、新鮮、清爽的桃紅葡萄酒。桃紅葡萄酒冰鎮過後,不僅是夏天消暑 解渴的飲料,而且與大多數的食物都很搭配。與乳酪、亞洲菜餚、墨 西哥風味的食物、義大利麵條、海鮮大蝦、龍蝦等都很相配;還可以 被當作開胃酒,搭配三文魚;桃紅葡萄酒與烤牛排搭配,味道出眾。

Tasting Notes:

The colour is an intense strawberry pink. The nose combines floral notes with forest fruits. The palate is fresh, dry and structured, with balanced acidity.